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  • Writer's pictureTotally Gospel News

Death threat sent over Buffalo shooting survivors fund

Jeff Dion, the executive director of the National Compassion Fund, says the FBI has been informed of the threat.

Dion was in Buffalo on Thursday for a town hall/information session to describe the process and timeline for distribution of $4.7 million to families of the 10 victims who were killed, the injured victims, and others who were impacted by the mass shooting.

That public meeting went on as scheduled at the City Honors school. Dion was in Buffalo on Thursday for a town hall/information session to describe the process and timeline for distribution of $4.7 million to families of the 10 victims who were killed, the injured victims, and others who were impacted by the mass shooting.

Dion says his organization's headquarters office in Virginia was also threatened with violence back on June 10 with a reference to the Buffalo shooting. He says the staffers worked from home after the FBI was contacted about that incident.

Dion says this latest incident was sent to the FBI as well, as he forwarded the threatening email to an agent who worked on their Virginia case.

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