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  • Writer's pictureTotally Gospel News

Watch: Celebration of Life- Bishop William H. Murphy, Sr.

Dr. William H. Murphy Sr., Pastored and Preached the word of God for more than five decades. By the inspiration of the Lord, he has become a foremost religious author and inventor.

In 1971, He mobilized the Greater Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan. He has nurtured its growth from fifty four members to more than four thousand-plus. Dr. Murphy is also instrumental in the mobilization of several other churches: New Mt. Moriah International Church., Kadesh M.B.C., El Shaddai M.B.C., Detroit Baptist Temple, New Beginning M.B.C.

He was a renowned international preacher and lecturer. The author attended several colleges and seminary throughout the United States and has attained a B.S. Th., D.D.

His other Books are Snatching them out of the Fire, Let’s Go on a Treasure Hunt. The Baptist Ecclesiastical Church Member’s Handbook. Church Administration, and Instructions Concerning Marriage. Most recent treatise from the Plantation to the Pulpit. Invention: Egypt to Cannon (a Religious game).

This treaties’ is written in honor of, and dedicated to the following: The Murphy Dynasty, First Lady Murphy; for Sixty-two years, my six children; Bishop Murphy Jr. Carla, Carolyn, Debra, Pamara, and Alita. And to each of my fifteen Grand-Children, Pastor Murphy III and family. Thirteen Great Grand-Children, Murphy IV., and to the entire Greater Ebenezer family. My Co-Author Dr. Diane Martin-Parker truly has done a magnificent work of penmanship.

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